Our History

History of NPCC:

  • 1959 - The Police Cadet Corps (PCC) was launched in a pilot scheme on an experimental basis. Bartley Secondary School formed the first unit with 30 cadets and a teacher officer, Mr. Victor Seah. He was also a Volunteer Officer with the Special Constabulary.
  • 1961 - The Police Cadet Corps Ordinance was enacted. All schools were given the approval to set up PCC Units. Siglap Secondary School & Serangoon Garden Government High School were the first schools to form such Units. A total of 100 male cadets were recruited to join the Units & the very first NPCC Commandant was Mr. Ng Leng Hock.
  • 1963 - The Police Cadet Corps (PCC) & National Cadet Corps (NCC) came under the administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) with the Director of Education as the Director of Cadet Forces.
  • 1964 - The Police Cadet Corps (PCC) recruited female cadets. Two new units were formed in Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) & Sang Nila Utama Secondary School.
  • 1968 - Formation signs were introduced for Units to identify themselves.
  • 1969 - The Police Cadet Corps (PCC), Army, Air & Sea Corps integrated & was renamed to National Cadet Corps (Police).
  • 1970 - The Cadet Inspectors' Unit was formed with students in Pre-University classes.
  • 1971 - The National Cadet Corps (Police) was renamed to National Police Cadet Corps. The NPCC Band (Male Cadets only) was formed in the same year.
  • 1972 - The grey & khaki NPCC uniform was changed to our present navy blue in line with the SPF uniform.
  • 1973 - Overseas Education Tours were introduced for cadets in this year.
  • 1974 - The NPCC Council was established by the Act of Parliament.
  • 1975 - A total of 22 areas was established. In the same year, on 1st April, the NPCC Council was inaugurated by the Minister for Education.
  • 1976 - The NPCC Band recruited female cadets.
  • 1978 - Overseas Educational Tours were introduced for Officers.
  • 1979 - To further recognize the dedicated & valuable service of Officers, the NPCC Service medals & clasps were introduced. This is now known as the Service & Long Service Award.
  • 1980 - Proficiency badges were introduced.
  • 1982 - An NPCC Unit was formed in the National University of Singapore (NUS).
  • 1983 - The NPCC Pledge was introduced and afterwards, the NPCC March (song) was introduced in the following year.
  • 1985 - The Inter-Unit Campcraft Competition was established and afterwards, the Inter-Area Project-Based Competition was introduced the following year.
  • 1987 - NPCC launched the Training Resource & Courseware Kits (Tracks 1 - 4). In addition, the Inter-Zone Debate for Cadet Inspectors were also introduced. In the same year, the Pulau Ubin NPCC Campsite was officially declared opened.
  • 1989 - NPCC celebrated its 30th Anniversary. In addition the School Unit Management System (SUMs) was introduced.
  • 1991 - An NPCC Unit was formed in Nanyang Technological University of Singapore (NTU).
  • 1993 - NPCC Officers' Day was inaugurated.
  • 1996 - NPCC organized the Officers' seminar on Mission Statement, Core Values and Beliefs.
  • 1997 - The NPCC Swimming Proficiency & the SPF-NPCC badge, the most prestigious badge in NPCC and only awarded to a selected group of top cadets, were introduced.
  • 1998 - NPCC led in the organization of the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Opening Ceremony. The NPCC Vision was also introduced.
  • 1999 - The Singapore Polytechnic's NPCC Unit was launched by Professor Ho Peng Kee, Minister for State of Home Affairs. In that same year, NPCC proudly celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a grand parade graced by the Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Wong Kan Seng as well as the launching of the NPCC Alumni & NPCC History Book.
  • 2000 - NPCC graced new changes in the next millennium. This was represented by changing all NPCC ranks to shoulder epaulettes, giving NPCC an even more professional image.
  • In the same year, a total of 20 areas remained till today.

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