Campcraft (Lance Corporal Syllabus)

10 Basic Knots

Stopper Knots:
  • Thumb Knot
  • Figure-of-8
Function of Stopper Knots:
  • To prevent the end of the rope from fraying.
  • To stop the rope from slipping through a hole.
  • To add weight to a particular point of the rope.
  • To provide a handhold.

How to tie a Thumb Knot:

How to tie a Figure-of-8:

Thumb Knot VS. Figure-of-Eight

Thumb Knot
Figure-of-Eight Knot
Rots more easily under harsh sun & wet conditions.
More rot-resistant as it is waterproof and absorbs less water.
Relatively short & the strength of natural fiber ropes is limited.
Stronger and lighter than natural fiber ropes of the same size.
Less slippery as compared to synthetic fiber ropes.
More slippery as compared to natural fiber ropes.

  • Reef Knot
  • Sheet Bend
  • Fisherman's Knot
Function of Bends:
  • To join two ropes together.

How to tie a Reef Knot:

How to tie a Sheet Bend:

How to tie a Fisherman's Knot:

Loop Knots:
  • Bowline
  • Tent Guy Loop
  • Manharness
  • Fireman's Chair (Not in NPCC syllabus)
Function of Loop Knots:
  • Primarily uses the loop in its function.

How to tie a Bowline:

How to tie a Tent Guy Loop:

How to tie a Manharness:

  • Sheepshank
  • Chain Knot
Function of Shortening/Formations:
  • Shortens ropes without cutting them.

How to tie a Sheepshank:

How to tie a Chain Knot:

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