First Class Drills

  • Cadets may be awarded the 1st Class Drill Badge should they be the holder of the 2nd Class Drill Badge and has passed the following tests conducted twice a year at Unit level:

a. Has knowledge of & able to take a squad in the following advanced footdrills:
Dari Kiri/Kanan, Jalan Perlahan Jalan
Tukar Langkah Jalan, Perlahan Jalan
Check – BANG – (Slow March)
Tukar Langkah Jalan, Cepat Jalan
Pandang ke Hadapan, Pandang From Dressing)
Akan mara, untuk diperhatikan semula, dari tengah, cepat jalan
1 – 2 – 3 – 4… 13 – 14 – 1 - 2
Dari Kanan Tukar Haluan ke Kanan dan Berhenti, Ke Kanan Tukar
Check – BANG – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – BANG – 7 – BANG…
Memberi Hormat Semasa Berjalan Selaku Penerima/Menyerah Barang, ke Hadapan, Hormat
Check – 1 – BANG – Check – Up – Check – Down – 1 – 2 – Check – Up – Check – Down – 1 – 2 – Check – Up – Check – Down – Check – 1 – Check – BANG – Check – Left – Right – Left…

b. Has knowledge of & able to take a squad in the following weaponry (rifle) drills:
Rusok Senjata
1 – Check – 1
Turun Senjata (From Shoulder Arms)
1 – Check – 1 – Check – 1
Baring Senjata
1 - Check – 1
Angkat Senjata
1 – Check – 1
Alih Senjata
1 – Check – 1 – Check – 1 – Check – 1
Bimbit Senjata
1 – Check – 1 – Check – 1
Julang Senjata
1 – Check – 1

c. Able to conduct a Muster Parade
d. Able to organize a Ceremonial Parade (in theory)

  • Uniform - 30%
  • Word of Command - 30%
  • Execution of Drills - 30%
  • Ceremonial Parade (Theory) - 10%
  • Total Score - 150 marks

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