Tuesday 23 June 2015

Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA) Course

Tuesday, 23rd June 2015

On a sunny Tuesday morning, our secondary 2 cadets reported punctually for their SANA course. Although it was only a half-day course, they definitely learned meaningful information such as how to say 'NO' to drugs and what legal consequences are for taking, possession as well as trafficking drugs! :)

Saturday 25 April 2015

Civil Defence - First Aid Course 2015

Saturday, 25th April 2015.

Weekends doesn't mean breaks for these kiddos!

In lieu of their Total Defence (Bronze) certification, our secondary 2 cadets took their Saturday off to learn a major aspect of Civil Defence - First Aid. Together with a few National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) cadets, our kids learnt a thing or two regarding how to react in case of an emergency.

We know who to look out for when we need help! :P

Friday 6 March 2015

Total Defence Cheering Competition 2015

The Total Defence Cheering Competition is held annually to commemorate Total Defence Day in Hillgrove Secondary School.
On this day, our secondary 1 cadets put up a really great performance and also answered questions during the Q&A session conducted by the different uniformed group teachers. The hard work and effort put into the performance paid off and we were placed 2nd in the competition! Congratulations to the secondary 1s! We are proud of you! :D

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Bukit Batok NPC Visit 2015

Wednesday, 4th February 2015

Our secondary 2 cadets visited the Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) and had a good time touring the place as well as having a sharing session with the friendly officers at the NPC. Well done to the cadets who shared on the reasons why youths commit crimes and also for displaying enthusiasm for the trip! Keep the passion going! :D

Friday 23 January 2015

Total Defence Talk 2015

Friday, 23rd January 2015

The Total Defence talk was conducted for our secondary 2 cadets in the school by our very own teacher officers. This talk covers the importance of Total Defence and how every Singaporean can play a part in the security of the nation. Afterwards, the cadets were separated in groups and tasked to create unique slogans as well as presented their ideas for Total Defence. Kudos to our kids for completing their Total Defence Bronze :)

Wednesday 7 January 2015

HGV|NPCC Recruitment Drive 2015

7 January 2015
It is that time of the year again!

The secondary 1 students went through a one-week Co-curricular Activity (CCA) orientation program, where they were given an outlook of the different CCAs offered by the school. Our secondary 2s and 3s as well as our Cadet Inspectors (CIs) took their time and effort setting up our NPCC booth with the help of the Bukit Batok NPC Officers to welcome the newly joined secondary 1s! They also played a part in introducing our CCA to them. We hope to see them officially in NPCC! :D