Sunday 4 February 2018

Campcraft Competition Preliminary Rounds

Saturday, 27th January & 3rd February 2018

It's the first HQ event of the year for our HG|NP kiddos!
On 2 bright Saturday mornings, Hillgrove NPCC participated in the bi-annual campcraft competition held at the Home Team Academy. The kids definitely trained long and hard for the competition and the determination could be seen through their effort during the competition. Of course, disappointments and tears were present when the team felt like they didn't do enough but nevertheless, Hillgrove NPCC continues to be supportive and proud of the hard work put in by the cadets. Kudos to the amazing commitment put in by both the male and female team! :D
Stay tuned for more updates on HG|NP!



- Admin #honeybee

Monday 30 October 2017

Where is HGV|NPCC?

Monday, 30th October 2017

Hello readers!
HGV|NPCC is currently on hiatus due to the holidays but fret not! Our diligent bloggers will continue searching high & low for new updates and scoops on what our cadets and instructors are up to when they are not in term trainings ;)
Stay tuned! :D

Admin #honeybee

Saturday 24 June 2017

92nd Cadet Inspector Basic Training Course Investiture

Friday, 23rd June 2017

On this evening, Hillgrove NPCC once again welcomes another new Cadet Inspector to the existing batch of 5. Juggling school curriculum time as well as the residential course was certainly no easy feat for our CI, but with hard work and perseverance, she pressed on to graduate as a full-fledged Probationary Cadet Inspector!

HG|NP congratulates P/CI (NPCC) Tan Giat See, Jocelyn for her resilience in enduring the course and wishing her all the best in clearing her probationary hours! :D

Friday 26 May 2017

Secondary 1 Police Procedures Course

Wednesday, 24th May 2017

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, the Secondary 1 cadets took their time after school to attend the Police Procedure lecture conducted by the neighbourhood NPCO. They learnt many useful information such as what they should do during an emergency and the reporting procedures during a crime case.

Police Procedure, formerly known as Police Knowledge (PK), is a programme aimed to equip cadets with relevant knowledge on crime cases in which the youth are most likely to encounter. By educating the cadets on such issues, it hopes to cultivate in them a strong sense of respect for the law as well as instill a sense of responsibility in upholding the law. Kudos to the Secondary 1s for successfully completing this course :)

Monday 22 May 2017

Area 19 Adventure/Survival Training Camp 2017

Friday - Sunday, 19th - 21st May 2017

What's happening these few days?

Our Secondary 2 & 3 cadets took their time after school on Friday to attend the Area 19 Adventure/Survival Training Camp which commenced on the 19th May 2017. Aimed to develop the campers' ruggedness, self-reliance, resilience, teamwork & leadership skills, our cadets certainly braved through the weather and tough activities in order to attain their camp badges. Keep up the good work kids! :D

Friday 19 May 2017

Secondary 4 Passing Out Parade 2017

Wednesday, 17th May 2017

The time has come yet again, for the Secondary 4 Cadet Leaders to pass the baton to the next generation of Cadet Leaders to lead the unit for the next 1 ½ years. Congratulations to the secondary 4s for successfully enduring the 4 years in HG|NP as well as the current secondary 3 cadets for stepping up as the current leaders of the HG|NP!

Here's wishing the Secondary 4 all the best wishes for their upcoming National exams as well as their future endeavours :D